I don’t see why people should take me less seriously for being honest.
Because humans aren’t rational. If you wanted to make an optimal combination of honesty and getting your point listened to you could have found comments that had been downvoted that were not yours that you thought should have been not downvoted. Then you could have given those examples with your own comment and added an explicit disclaimer that although the downvotes to your own comments were what got you thinking of the issue there seemed to be a more general problem as given by those examples.
I don’t want to talk about it with people who push me away.
People aren’t pushing you away. When comments are at −2 or −3 there’s a weak consensus that something is wrong with the comment. But you should’t take it personally.
(Ok. I’m now thoroughly sick of karma discussions which seem to have taken a lot of stuff the last few days. I hereby resolve to not make any comments about karma until the end of the month. Seriously. It just isn’t that important.)
Because humans aren’t rational. If you wanted to make an optimal combination of honesty and getting your point listened to you could have found comments that had been downvoted that were not yours that you thought should have been not downvoted. Then you could have given those examples with your own comment and added an explicit disclaimer that although the downvotes to your own comments were what got you thinking of the issue there seemed to be a more general problem as given by those examples.
People aren’t pushing you away. When comments are at −2 or −3 there’s a weak consensus that something is wrong with the comment. But you should’t take it personally.
(Ok. I’m now thoroughly sick of karma discussions which seem to have taken a lot of stuff the last few days. I hereby resolve to not make any comments about karma until the end of the month. Seriously. It just isn’t that important.)