I don’t want to be put on trial for eating factory farmed meat, for example.
Behold the radiant beauty that is nullum crimen sine lege (specifically forbidding ex post facto laws as many modern legal systems do). Of course while this is pretty widely embraced by most decent places to live, it in practice isn’t really robust since we’ve seen violations of this principle on a massive scale in recent history.
But a future that upheld it consistently would be pretty neat. Or so it seems to me when naively looking at it.
Behold the radiant beauty that is nullum crimen sine lege (specifically forbidding ex post facto laws as many modern legal systems do). Of course while this is pretty widely embraced by most decent places to live, it in practice isn’t really robust since we’ve seen violations of this principle on a massive scale in recent history.
But a future that upheld it consistently would be pretty neat. Or so it seems to me when naively looking at it.