BTW my Karma hit 0 today from a high of around 90. I think it may be capped there...
There is rate filtering on writing comments here. I think low karma makes the rate filterer more aggressive. (e.g. this comment ran into rate filtering, but a couple days ago i was posting at a higher rate than today)
In two attempts to post fairly exactly when allowed to, both times I got a message about how many milliseconds I still had to wait (250 and 184). Seems pretty unlikely to cut it that close twice without trying to. I wonder if there’s a bug. I wonder, given that we have here some genuine numbers, if any Bayesian could calculate the probability it’s a bug vs coincidence, to show us an example of their philosophy in action (I have yet to see any realistic examples where an actual number is calculated).
edit: just jumped up to 54 in the last like 10 minutes. i wonder why.
edit again: make that 67. i guess someone is upvoting all of my comments. lol
edit again: 84. whoever is doing this, if you like me that much want to talk? email me
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Downvotes mean “I want to see less like this.” If a person generates content that other members want to see more of, they quickly reach a point where they are allowed to post it at a rate only limited by how quickly they can generate it. Why limit someone’s productivity if their work is getting a positive reception? But if their contributions attract mostly negative attention, it makes sense to limit their activity on the board until they improve their conduct to the point where their contributions are more welcome.
BTW my Karma hit 0 today from a high of around 90. I think it may be capped there...
There is rate filtering on writing comments here. I think low karma makes the rate filterer more aggressive. (e.g. this comment ran into rate filtering, but a couple days ago i was posting at a higher rate than today)
In two attempts to post fairly exactly when allowed to, both times I got a message about how many milliseconds I still had to wait (250 and 184). Seems pretty unlikely to cut it that close twice without trying to. I wonder if there’s a bug. I wonder, given that we have here some genuine numbers, if any Bayesian could calculate the probability it’s a bug vs coincidence, to show us an example of their philosophy in action (I have yet to see any realistic examples where an actual number is calculated).
edit: just jumped up to 54 in the last like 10 minutes. i wonder why.
edit again: make that 67. i guess someone is upvoting all of my comments. lol
edit again: 84. whoever is doing this, if you like me that much want to talk? email me
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Downvotes mean “I want to see less like this.” If a person generates content that other members want to see more of, they quickly reach a point where they are allowed to post it at a rate only limited by how quickly they can generate it. Why limit someone’s productivity if their work is getting a positive reception? But if their contributions attract mostly negative attention, it makes sense to limit their activity on the board until they improve their conduct to the point where their contributions are more welcome.
you misread quite badly.
i was wondering if the timer was bugged in such a way that you have more chance to get a milliseconds remaining message than you should.