A choice can influence the reality of the situation where it could be taken. Thus a “dominated strategy” can be winning when choosing the “better possibilities” prevents the situation where you would be considering the decision from occurring. Problem statements in classical forms (such as payoff matrices of games) prohibit such considerations. In Newcomb’s problem, where “winning” is a good way of looking at what’s wrong with two-boxing, the issue is that the game theory way of framing possible outcomes doesn’t recognize that some of the outcomes refute the situation where the outcomes are being chosen. This is clearer in examples like Transparent Newcomb. Overall behavior of an algorithm influences whether it’s given the opportunity to run in the first place.
So the relevance of “winning” isn’t so much about balancing the many senses of winning across the many possibilities where some winning occurs or doesn’t, expected utility vs. other framings. It’s more about paying attention to which possibilities are real, and whether winning in the more central senses occurs on those possibilities or not.
A choice can influence the reality of the situation where it could be taken. Thus a “dominated strategy” can be winning when choosing the “better possibilities” prevents the situation where you would be considering the decision from occurring. Problem statements in classical forms (such as payoff matrices of games) prohibit such considerations. In Newcomb’s problem, where “winning” is a good way of looking at what’s wrong with two-boxing, the issue is that the game theory way of framing possible outcomes doesn’t recognize that some of the outcomes refute the situation where the outcomes are being chosen. This is clearer in examples like Transparent Newcomb. Overall behavior of an algorithm influences whether it’s given the opportunity to run in the first place.
So the relevance of “winning” isn’t so much about balancing the many senses of winning across the many possibilities where some winning occurs or doesn’t, expected utility vs. other framings. It’s more about paying attention to which possibilities are real, and whether winning in the more central senses occurs on those possibilities or not.