Particularly, the two things you linked are just interesting on their own, but also although I don’t think my brain works in the same way yours does, I appreciate your perspective and how you tend to work with regards to these things. I think that I need something like a reference or a bookmark because these concepts don’t stick quite as strongly in my mind without lots of repeated exposure. I tend to be a ‘ground-up’ learner (if that’s even a thing) as opposed to someone who can keep lots of disparate concepts separately in my mind. Jargon and acroynms seem to fall out of my head like a sieve. I’ve confused the terms ‘anosmia’ and ‘aphasia’ for years. I just had to look up ‘word for not being able to remember words’ in order to remember the word aphasia. Ironic, right? Shiri’s Scissor/sort by controversial is an article I already read once in the past, but completely forgot until you linked it, I clicked it, and I read four paragraphs of it.
This is really interesting and useful.
Particularly, the two things you linked are just interesting on their own, but also although I don’t think my brain works in the same way yours does, I appreciate your perspective and how you tend to work with regards to these things. I think that I need something like a reference or a bookmark because these concepts don’t stick quite as strongly in my mind without lots of repeated exposure. I tend to be a ‘ground-up’ learner (if that’s even a thing) as opposed to someone who can keep lots of disparate concepts separately in my mind. Jargon and acroynms seem to fall out of my head like a sieve. I’ve confused the terms ‘anosmia’ and ‘aphasia’ for years. I just had to look up ‘word for not being able to remember words’ in order to remember the word aphasia. Ironic, right? Shiri’s Scissor/sort by controversial is an article I already read once in the past, but completely forgot until you linked it, I clicked it, and I read four paragraphs of it.