SSCNYC: More Dakka with Zvi Mowshowitz

  • [Open in Google Maps] [Open in local app]
  • 11 January 2020, 2:30 pm—4:30 am
  • 60 Wall Street Atrium, Wall Street, New York, NY, USA
  • Contact: https://​​SSCNYC/​events/​zc­n­mm­ry­bc­cbpb/​

We are delighted to welcome Zvi Mowshowitz discussing the principle of “More Dakka”. Please read https://​​​​2017/​​12/​​02/​​more-dakka/​​amp/​​ to prepare for the Meetup

Shrikant will interview Zvi on what the principle means and how one can apply it to ones’s life. Then we will break up into small groups of 6 people each and answer the following questions.

1) What strategies have been working well for you in different parts of your life?
2) What can you do to apply the “More Dakka” principle to these to make your life better?
3) What “Dakka” from some other person in the group would you like to consider trying to see if it works for you?

After 45 min small group discussion, we will all come together and each person will share their take aways.

30-45 mins Zvi discussing More Dakka
45 mins 6 person moderated discussions
30 mins Everyone’s takeaways

RSVP here: https://​​​​SSCNYC/​​events/​​zcnmmrybccbpb/​​

Don’t miss this one; it’s going to be good!

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