It is still not meaningful from a physical standpoint.
Yes it is. Physics doesn’t revolve around you. The fact that you can’t influence or observe something is a limitation in you, not in physics. Stuff keeps existing when you can’t see it.
If you were to throw something I valued outside my future lightcone, then I would take the same as you destroying said thing.
I don’t believe you. I would bet that if actually given the choice between someone you loved being sent outside your future lightcone then destroyed or just sent outside the future lightcone and given delicious cookies then you would prefer them to be given the far-away cookies than the far away destruction.
Yes, of course I believe in the implied invisible. But from a personal standpoint It does not matter because the repercussions are the same either way, unless you can use your magical “throw stuff outside my future lightcone” powers to bring them back. Outside f-lightcone = I can never interact with it.
And if I have to be really nitpicky, current macroscopic physcis does revolve around the observer, but certain things can be agreed upon; such as the hamiltonian, timelike, spacelike and lightlike distances, etc.
Saying physics does not revolve aroud me implies that there is a common reference point, which there isn’t.
Also, I think we are straying from meaningful discussion.
Yes it is. Physics doesn’t revolve around you. The fact that you can’t influence or observe something is a limitation in you, not in physics. Stuff keeps existing when you can’t see it.
I don’t believe you. I would bet that if actually given the choice between someone you loved being sent outside your future lightcone then destroyed or just sent outside the future lightcone and given delicious cookies then you would prefer them to be given the far-away cookies than the far away destruction.
Yes, of course I believe in the implied invisible. But from a personal standpoint It does not matter because the repercussions are the same either way, unless you can use your magical “throw stuff outside my future lightcone” powers to bring them back. Outside f-lightcone = I can never interact with it.
And if I have to be really nitpicky, current macroscopic physcis does revolve around the observer, but certain things can be agreed upon; such as the hamiltonian, timelike, spacelike and lightlike distances, etc. Saying physics does not revolve aroud me implies that there is a common reference point, which there isn’t.
Also, I think we are straying from meaningful discussion.