I’m not at all picky about aesthetics, just curious about what people use in case I want to make a more expensive purchase in the future. My own setup is this, with which I’m reasonably happy (though I need to get a larger and slightly taller table/dresser/keyboard surface).
headdesk I could also just answer your question I suppose:
I briefly had access to a Fredrik desk from Ikea; it was the right height for me so I didn’t examine closely but I’m fairly sure it was adjustable. (But it was only briefly. Hence my box experiments.)
I’m not at all picky about aesthetics, just curious about what people use in case I want to make a more expensive purchase in the future. My own setup is this, with which I’m reasonably happy (though I need to get a larger and slightly taller table/dresser/keyboard surface).
headdesk I could also just answer your question I suppose:
I briefly had access to a Fredrik desk from Ikea; it was the right height for me so I didn’t examine closely but I’m fairly sure it was adjustable. (But it was only briefly. Hence my box experiments.)