More than removing the first 3 years of Hogwarts, the tempo of MoR could be changed so that we don’t have all those events happening during Harry’s first year. There is time pressure regarding the fact that DADA teachers aren’t supposed to last more than one year, but something could have been done to circumvent that, and allow the events of the currently written MoR to span like 3 years of Hogwarts, with Harry being 13 or 14 when we reach the “Standfort Prison Experiment” part.
I do think that the first chapters are specially good with a young (11 yo) Harry, and that having him a teenager when he discovers about magic would ruin them. It would also make the whole Harry-Draco relationship completely different - their relationship in MoR is very interesting, but it wouldn’t have felt realistic for it to happen with a teenager Draco, while it is realistic with a still childish Draco.
From the Harry Potter Wiki: “Riddle used his wand at that time to place a curse on the job, causing its occupant to suffer some misfortune that would drive them from the job in a year or less. ”
We also know that canon!Lupin was just outed as a werewolf and resigned, and canon!Moody seemed fine when he got out of the Trunk. Quirrel isn’t doomed to die at the end, just to no longer be defense professor. Also, vs Ibyqrzbeg vf pbagebyyvat Dhveery, gura gur phefr zvtug abg nccyl gb uvz.
So basically, Quirrel could continue to exist, but not as Defense professor.
More than removing the first 3 years of Hogwarts, the tempo of MoR could be changed so that we don’t have all those events happening during Harry’s first year. There is time pressure regarding the fact that DADA teachers aren’t supposed to last more than one year, but something could have been done to circumvent that, and allow the events of the currently written MoR to span like 3 years of Hogwarts, with Harry being 13 or 14 when we reach the “Standfort Prison Experiment” part.
I do think that the first chapters are specially good with a young (11 yo) Harry, and that having him a teenager when he discovers about magic would ruin them. It would also make the whole Harry-Draco relationship completely different - their relationship in MoR is very interesting, but it wouldn’t have felt realistic for it to happen with a teenager Draco, while it is realistic with a still childish Draco.
From the Harry Potter Wiki: “Riddle used his wand at that time to place a curse on the job, causing its occupant to suffer some misfortune that would drive them from the job in a year or less. ”
We also know that canon!Lupin was just outed as a werewolf and resigned, and canon!Moody seemed fine when he got out of the Trunk. Quirrel isn’t doomed to die at the end, just to no longer be defense professor. Also, vs Ibyqrzbeg vf pbagebyyvat Dhveery, gura gur phefr zvtug abg nccyl gb uvz.
So basically, Quirrel could continue to exist, but not as Defense professor.
The curse could just be removed as not plot-important.
I regret that I have only one upvote to give. Never thought of cutting the Gordian knot that way.
ETA: Although to be fair to myself, I never tried to think of ways to make Quirrel last for over a year.
Gung jbhyq or n qrnq tvir-njnl, gubhtu. Naq Qhzoyrqber jbhyqa’g whfg qb abguvat sbe gjb lrnef vs ur fhfcrpgrq Ibyqrzbeg jnf grnpuvat ng uvf fpubby.
Hayrff Uneel naq Dhveery fgntr gung onggyr jvgu Ibyqrzbeg. V vzntvar Dhveery unf engure qvssrerag cynaf sbe gung, gubhtu.