I haven’t set up wordpress or blogger, and I haven’t set up GHP in like two years. But I think it was… not exactly difficult, but frustrating at times. Like, everything almost just worked out of the box, and then making it actually work involved fighting with a bunch of different components that didn’t always give good feedback and couldn’t always be customized quite like I wanted.
Currently I don’t actually have it set up quite like I’d want. I want pagination and an archive and tagging. And I think math rendering on the front page is broken for some posts. But to fix those, I’d have to fix them myself, or at least go searching for fixes that other people have created.
I think the friction involved with editing is also bad for my writing productivity. My most recent post, I mostly drafted on tumblr before copying over to GHP. That may or may not be a problem for you. (It’s not a fair comparison, because I also hold myself to lower standards on tumblr. But I’ve written a few things there that would have been suitable for my main blog, and I enjoyed being able to just write them and edit in real time and then just click ‘post’.)
(Not linking my tumblr because I don’t want it easy to find by people searching for me.)
Having a local dev copy where I could make changes without pushing them to github all the time would improve matters, but I expect that setting it up and keeping versions in sync and so on would be a PITA.
I haven’t set up wordpress or blogger, and I haven’t set up GHP in like two years. But I think it was… not exactly difficult, but frustrating at times. Like, everything almost just worked out of the box, and then making it actually work involved fighting with a bunch of different components that didn’t always give good feedback and couldn’t always be customized quite like I wanted.
Currently I don’t actually have it set up quite like I’d want. I want pagination and an archive and tagging. And I think math rendering on the front page is broken for some posts. But to fix those, I’d have to fix them myself, or at least go searching for fixes that other people have created.
I think the friction involved with editing is also bad for my writing productivity. My most recent post, I mostly drafted on tumblr before copying over to GHP. That may or may not be a problem for you. (It’s not a fair comparison, because I also hold myself to lower standards on tumblr. But I’ve written a few things there that would have been suitable for my main blog, and I enjoyed being able to just write them and edit in real time and then just click ‘post’.)
(Not linking my tumblr because I don’t want it easy to find by people searching for me.)
Having a local dev copy where I could make changes without pushing them to github all the time would improve matters, but I expect that setting it up and keeping versions in sync and so on would be a PITA.