It undermines ability to prioritize tradeoffs among goods, which I think is a bigger deal than it might seem. A substantial fraction of life problems seem to boil down to ambiguous prioritization. Tradeoffs are as complex as your values, so deferring doesn’t really work as you can’t practically check in for all the fine tuning and complexity of life. This commonly comes up with interactions with the medical system. I also see not very granular systems that result in lots of grinding with adversarially installed buckets like ‘have to’, ‘want to’, and ‘should’ with ad hoc Rube Goldberg machines to deal with all the collisions.
It undermines ability to prioritize tradeoffs among goods, which I think is a bigger deal than it might seem. A substantial fraction of life problems seem to boil down to ambiguous prioritization. Tradeoffs are as complex as your values, so deferring doesn’t really work as you can’t practically check in for all the fine tuning and complexity of life. This commonly comes up with interactions with the medical system. I also see not very granular systems that result in lots of grinding with adversarially installed buckets like ‘have to’, ‘want to’, and ‘should’ with ad hoc Rube Goldberg machines to deal with all the collisions.