Good point about the light hours thing. It sort of kills the hypothesis.
I agree with drethelin that the 6 hour mark doesn’t have to correspond with Quirrel’s last day of school. However, in the last story arc, Quirrel talks like his time limit is only a short time away, perhaps only a month. Of course, he could be talking about his inevitable firing from the defense professor position.
In what sense does it not pan out? Why would Quirrel’s last day of class need to align with the last day he will be able to maintain his body on earth?
There’s just no reason for it, story-wise. If EY had wanted the distance to Pioneer 11 to relate to Quirrell’s zombie-ness in this way, he would have written the story so that the hard time-travel limit was 4.84 hours, so that it would coincide with the last day of classes. That makes a good story.
But the dates don’t line up, and so there’s no reason to believe that this is anything other than a fun theory.
That doesn’t make any sense. Eliezer quite often tries to point out that things don’t go down the way they do in stories, and it would be a ridiculously unlikely coincidence that whatever the time travel limit was, that happened to be the exact distance in light hours from earth to Pioneer on a certain date in the future. If the plaque is horcruxed, it happened WAY before Harry was even born, so it’s not like Quirrel could’ve even arranged it to coincide with the end of Harry’s first year at Hogwarts intentionally for drama.
I think you’re disbelieving it for the wrong reasons. The biggest problem and one which Mugasofer mentions in his comment is that there’s no set up system or reason for Quirrel to be remote controlling his body. Horcruxes don’t really work like that in Canon, and it also doesn’t match what we see: eg Quirrel doesn’t take hours to respond to every single thing. It’s possible zombie-mode is some sort of “cloud uploading” process by which he sends memories to his Horcruxes but it doesn’t really seem like that would be affected by this sort of thing.
I think it’s more likely that Pioneer is just a badass way to make a Horcrux and that zombie-mode is a consequence of something else, probably his mind-control battle with Quirrel or whoever Quirrel used to be.
Very clever idea! But it doesn’t pan out, sadly. I just checked on Wolfram-Alpha. The distance from the earth to Pioneer 11 on the Ides of May, 1992, Quirrell’s presumed last day of class, is actually 4.84 light hours, not 6.
Some experimenting on W-A shows that Pioneer 11 passes 6 light hours around August 25, 1995.
Good point about the light hours thing. It sort of kills the hypothesis.
I agree with drethelin that the 6 hour mark doesn’t have to correspond with Quirrel’s last day of school. However, in the last story arc, Quirrel talks like his time limit is only a short time away, perhaps only a month. Of course, he could be talking about his inevitable firing from the defense professor position.
In what sense does it not pan out? Why would Quirrel’s last day of class need to align with the last day he will be able to maintain his body on earth?
There’s just no reason for it, story-wise. If EY had wanted the distance to Pioneer 11 to relate to Quirrell’s zombie-ness in this way, he would have written the story so that the hard time-travel limit was 4.84 hours, so that it would coincide with the last day of classes. That makes a good story.
But the dates don’t line up, and so there’s no reason to believe that this is anything other than a fun theory.
That doesn’t make any sense. Eliezer quite often tries to point out that things don’t go down the way they do in stories, and it would be a ridiculously unlikely coincidence that whatever the time travel limit was, that happened to be the exact distance in light hours from earth to Pioneer on a certain date in the future. If the plaque is horcruxed, it happened WAY before Harry was even born, so it’s not like Quirrel could’ve even arranged it to coincide with the end of Harry’s first year at Hogwarts intentionally for drama.
Are you saying you believe this theory? (What’s the evidence?) Or merely that I’m disbelieving it too quickly?
I think you’re disbelieving it for the wrong reasons. The biggest problem and one which Mugasofer mentions in his comment is that there’s no set up system or reason for Quirrel to be remote controlling his body. Horcruxes don’t really work like that in Canon, and it also doesn’t match what we see: eg Quirrel doesn’t take hours to respond to every single thing. It’s possible zombie-mode is some sort of “cloud uploading” process by which he sends memories to his Horcruxes but it doesn’t really seem like that would be affected by this sort of thing.
I think it’s more likely that Pioneer is just a badass way to make a Horcrux and that zombie-mode is a consequence of something else, probably his mind-control battle with Quirrel or whoever Quirrel used to be.