The soul-mangling is what causes Voldemort’s snake-like appearance, IIRC
I don’t think this is ever made explicit. It’s probably the reason J. K. Rowling had in mind, but I don’t think there’s anything in the text that rules out the possibility that he looked that way because he wanted to.
Well, the book shows a progression which correlates with the creation of Horcruxes via some of the flashbacks. There’s a scene where he’s in Dumbledore’s office asking for a job/planning to hid the Horcrux somewhere and he looks half evil Voldie and half handsome Tom.
I don’t think this is ever made explicit. It’s probably the reason J. K. Rowling had in mind, but I don’t think there’s anything in the text that rules out the possibility that he looked that way because he wanted to.
Well, the book shows a progression which correlates with the creation of Horcruxes via some of the flashbacks. There’s a scene where he’s in Dumbledore’s office asking for a job/planning to hid the Horcrux somewhere and he looks half evil Voldie and half handsome Tom.