I can’t believe no-one has pointed this out yet:
The MORverse is timelessl, with a single, self-consistent timeline.
Harry’s partial transfiguration stems from realizing that reality is timeless.
IIRC, Eliezer has mentioned that he thinks our universe is also timeless, and has mentioned this as a fact in other sci-fi works.
You can’t “change” the past.
There is absolutely no need to debate the way time travel operates in the MORverse. There are, however. other questions about time turners, such as how they define “information from more than six hours ahead” in order to refuse to transport it.
I can’t believe no-one has pointed this out yet:
The MORverse is timelessl, with a single, self-consistent timeline.
Harry’s partial transfiguration stems from realizing that reality is timeless.
IIRC, Eliezer has mentioned that he thinks our universe is also timeless, and has mentioned this as a fact in other sci-fi works.
You can’t “change” the past.
There is absolutely no need to debate the way time travel operates in the MORverse. There are, however. other questions about time turners, such as how they define “information from more than six hours ahead” in order to refuse to transport it.