To the contrary- turning the simulation on adds up all the -u_0 terms for all of the moral patients in the simulation, meaning that the first tick of the simulation is hugely negative.
I don’t share the opinion that numbers are moral patients within a context where they are visible as numbers, because I don’t think it’s supererogatory or required to run DFEDIT and set every dwarf’s happiness value to MAXINT, and in any context where “I” am visible to an entity running a simulation of me as a number or analogous concept, changing the value which corresponds with what “I” “call” “my happiness” within that simulation is not a thing that can be understood in any context that I have access to.
To the contrary- turning the simulation on adds up all the -u_0 terms for all of the moral patients in the simulation, meaning that the first tick of the simulation is hugely negative.
I don’t share the opinion that numbers are moral patients within a context where they are visible as numbers, because I don’t think it’s supererogatory or required to run DFEDIT and set every dwarf’s happiness value to MAXINT, and in any context where “I” am visible to an entity running a simulation of me as a number or analogous concept, changing the value which corresponds with what “I” “call” “my happiness” within that simulation is not a thing that can be understood in any context that I have access to.