Regarding the “buy a sword” quote, he said that to his disciples, and then later says to them that two swords are enough. The most common interpretation of this is that he needed to fulfill a prophecy, and also so as to get him arrested by the authorities for “leading a rebellion”. Two swords are obviously not enough to win a rebellion, so it seems like the purpose of this wasn’t to convert people through violence. There is a scene later where Peter famously cuts off one of the ears of the people sent to arrest Jesus, and then Jesus goes “enough of that!” and promptly heals the ear, and allows himself to be taken into custody peacefully.
So there’s at least as many quotes from Jesus to support an argument for pacifism as there are to suggest otherwise. And arguably as those more pacifist quotes come from his core teachings like the Sermon on the Mount, it is more suggestive of his actual positions.
In the context of his overall ministry, and the fact that the Christian martyrs in general were known for their pacifism and willingness to sacrifice their own lives for what they believed in, I would argue that early Christianity spread more because of its non-violent tendencies, and the violence that its opponents inflicted on them. Of course, after Constantine’s conversion and the politicization of the Church, things changed, and you could argue that Christianity became just another state religion that was spread by the sword in the same way all state religions arguably are. The Crusades also come to mind as an example of where Christianity was “spread by the sword”, though one can make an argument that the Crusades were actually political actions disguised with religious rhetoric.
But I think you’re trying too hard to find evidence that Jesus himself advocated physical violence, when most of the evidence is that he advocated a kind of pacifism, as well as an ideological revolution.
Regarding the “buy a sword” quote, he said that to his disciples, and then later says to them that two swords are enough. The most common interpretation of this is that he needed to fulfill a prophecy, and also so as to get him arrested by the authorities for “leading a rebellion”. Two swords are obviously not enough to win a rebellion, so it seems like the purpose of this wasn’t to convert people through violence. There is a scene later where Peter famously cuts off one of the ears of the people sent to arrest Jesus, and then Jesus goes “enough of that!” and promptly heals the ear, and allows himself to be taken into custody peacefully.
Regarding the “not peace but a sword” quote, it’s arguable that this is an obvious metaphor for ideological conflict.
Again, taken out of context, these verses can sound a lot more aggressive than the context would suggest.
Jesus also said things like “Those who live by the sword, die by the sword,” “Turn the other cheek,” and “Love your enemies”.
So there’s at least as many quotes from Jesus to support an argument for pacifism as there are to suggest otherwise. And arguably as those more pacifist quotes come from his core teachings like the Sermon on the Mount, it is more suggestive of his actual positions.
In the context of his overall ministry, and the fact that the Christian martyrs in general were known for their pacifism and willingness to sacrifice their own lives for what they believed in, I would argue that early Christianity spread more because of its non-violent tendencies, and the violence that its opponents inflicted on them. Of course, after Constantine’s conversion and the politicization of the Church, things changed, and you could argue that Christianity became just another state religion that was spread by the sword in the same way all state religions arguably are. The Crusades also come to mind as an example of where Christianity was “spread by the sword”, though one can make an argument that the Crusades were actually political actions disguised with religious rhetoric.
But I think you’re trying too hard to find evidence that Jesus himself advocated physical violence, when most of the evidence is that he advocated a kind of pacifism, as well as an ideological revolution.
For me to say more would be a movement too far away from the original post, and so I will close by saying thank you for your criticism.