I had a little difficulty suspending disbelief at the entity bothering to contact anyone for such silly nonadvice, but I quickly realized that this wasn’t really relevant to the story. The exact same story could have easily framed the same content as an omnipotent future Humanity looking say back on its history and all the other species that didn’t make it. There is a bit of a yay atheist vibe as knb points out, but I’m ok with that since I can stand literature I read occasionally going “why yes you are more awesomer than other people (who probably aren’t reading this)”.
It is a warm tale, one that almost cheers me up and reminds me of the early enthusiastic optimism I had for transhumanism as a teenager, before I started to deeply contemplate some of the more likley and much less pleasant outcomes.
I had a little difficulty suspending disbelief at the entity bothering to contact anyone for such silly nonadvice, but I quickly realized that this wasn’t really relevant to the story. The exact same story could have easily framed the same content as an omnipotent future Humanity looking say back on its history and all the other species that didn’t make it. There is a bit of a yay atheist vibe as knb points out, but I’m ok with that since I can stand literature I read occasionally going “why yes you are more awesomer than other people (who probably aren’t reading this)”.
It is a warm tale, one that almost cheers me up and reminds me of the early enthusiastic optimism I had for transhumanism as a teenager, before I started to deeply contemplate some of the more likley and much less pleasant outcomes.
The affect I get from it reminds me of the one I get from the last few lines of The Gift We Give To Tommrow