this is like looking for an evolutionary explanation of why magnetite can become magnetized… the alleged quantum locus… [is] conscious because of some anthropically necessitated ontological traits of our universe, not because of its useful functions
I think you have mistaken the thrust of my questions. I’m not asking for an evolutionary explanation of consciousness per se -- I’m trying to take your view as given and figure out what useful functions one ought to expect to be associated with the locus of consciousness.
What does conscious cognition do that unconscious cognition doesn’t do? The answer to that tells you what consciousness is doing (though not whether these activities are useful...).
I think you have mistaken the thrust of my questions. I’m not asking for an evolutionary explanation of consciousness per se -- I’m trying to take your view as given and figure out what useful functions one ought to expect to be associated with the locus of consciousness.
What does conscious cognition do that unconscious cognition doesn’t do? The answer to that tells you what consciousness is doing (though not whether these activities are useful...).