How hard it is to modify a man such that he is equivalent to a woman along all the dimensions I care about depends quite a lot on which of the dimensions along which men typically differ from women I care about.
If I don’t care about any of them, then there’s no modification involved; a man is already equivalent to a woman along all those dimensions of variance.
If I care about the ability to sire or bear children, there might be modifications involved that modern science is not yet capable of.
How hard it is to modify a man such that he is equivalent to a woman along all the dimensions I care about depends quite a lot on which of the dimensions along which men typically differ from women I care about.
If I don’t care about any of them, then there’s no modification involved; a man is already equivalent to a woman along all those dimensions of variance.
If I care about the ability to sire or bear children, there might be modifications involved that modern science is not yet capable of.
Values matter.