Is indifferent supposed to go under uncertain (as in “I’m uncertain if I have a preference”) or other? I think it should just be added to the response list.
The instructions for Number of Partners is also a little ambiguous (“0 for single, 1 for monogamous relationship, >1 for polyamorous relationship”). Someone’s going to wind up inputting “>1″ I’m not sure any clarification beyond “0 for single” is needed.
Preferred relationship style currently lists
prefer monogamous
prefer polyamorous
Is indifferent supposed to go under uncertain (as in “I’m uncertain if I have a preference”) or other? I think it should just be added to the response list.
The instructions for Number of Partners is also a little ambiguous (“0 for single, 1 for monogamous relationship, >1 for polyamorous relationship”). Someone’s going to wind up inputting “>1″ I’m not sure any clarification beyond “0 for single” is needed.
And what about someone who’s, umm… rapidly serially monogamous?
Seems like asexual should be on that list.
Maybe separate questions for sexuality and romanticism, since some people have one but not the other.
Maybe in the bonus questions. Part Two is already way too long IMO.