In what academic field do you currently work or study? If more than one, please choose most important.
Is this going to be asked only of people who selected “academic” for career or should language change to “In what academic field did/do you specialize”
If the latter, should there be a question about what genre your work is in? Even if it goes under “other” for example, it should be clear where artists, dancers, service industry, etc. workers go. Maybe you were a physics major and now play baseball for a living. As written, the ball player example might be ambiguous on “What academic field...” between none=unemployed or none=not employed in an academic field.
Is this going to be asked only of people who selected “academic” for career or should language change to “In what academic field did/do you specialize”
If the latter, should there be a question about what genre your work is in? Even if it goes under “other” for example, it should be clear where artists, dancers, service industry, etc. workers go. Maybe you were a physics major and now play baseball for a living. As written, the ball player example might be ambiguous on “What academic field...” between none=unemployed or none=not employed in an academic field.