The first thing to say is that for the 2018 Review Eli’s mathematicians post should take precedence because it was him who took up the challenge in the first place and inspired my post. I hope to find time to write a review on his post.
If people were interested (and Eli was ok with it) I would be happy to write a short summary of my findings to add as a footnote to Eli’s post if it was chosen for the review.
This was my first post on LessWrong and looking back at it I think it still holds up fairly well.
There are a couple of things I would change if I were doing it again:
Put less time into the sons vs daughters thing. I think this section could have two thirds of it chopped out without losing much.
Unnamed’s comment is really important in pointing out a mistake I was making in my final paragraph.
I might have tried to analyse whether it is a firstborn thing vs an earlyborn thing. In the SSC data it is strongly a firstborn thing and if I combined Eli and my datasets I might be able to confirm whether this is also the case in our datasets. I’m not sure if this would provide a decisive answer as our sample size is much smaller even when combining the sets.
This is a review of my own post.
The first thing to say is that for the 2018 Review Eli’s mathematicians post should take precedence because it was him who took up the challenge in the first place and inspired my post. I hope to find time to write a review on his post.
If people were interested (and Eli was ok with it) I would be happy to write a short summary of my findings to add as a footnote to Eli’s post if it was chosen for the review.
This was my first post on LessWrong and looking back at it I think it still holds up fairly well.
There are a couple of things I would change if I were doing it again:
Put less time into the sons vs daughters thing. I think this section could have two thirds of it chopped out without losing much.
Unnamed’s comment is really important in pointing out a mistake I was making in my final paragraph.
I might have tried to analyse whether it is a firstborn thing vs an earlyborn thing. In the SSC data it is strongly a firstborn thing and if I combined Eli and my datasets I might be able to confirm whether this is also the case in our datasets. I’m not sure if this would provide a decisive answer as our sample size is much smaller even when combining the sets.