Just accept that there is a certain amount of noise in the votes. Unless the karma is −5 or lower, chances are than in an hour it will be positive again. Complaining about −1 karma (or whatever was the value) only increases the noise.
Also, a certain small fraction of perfectly reasonable and true comments is going to get downvoted for stupid reasons. We are fallible humans, no matter how much we may believe otherwise. As long as it only happens rarely, it can be mostly ignored. Sucks when that happens in one of your first comments.
I think you are doing it okay.
Just accept that there is a certain amount of noise in the votes. Unless the karma is −5 or lower, chances are than in an hour it will be positive again. Complaining about −1 karma (or whatever was the value) only increases the noise.
Also, a certain small fraction of perfectly reasonable and true comments is going to get downvoted for stupid reasons. We are fallible humans, no matter how much we may believe otherwise. As long as it only happens rarely, it can be mostly ignored. Sucks when that happens in one of your first comments.