thanks for sharing your thoughts. I don’t have much to say about the specifics of your post because I find it somewhat difficult to understand how exactly you want an AI (what kind of AI?) to internalize ethical reflection and what benefit the concept of the ideal speech situation (ISS) has here.
What I do know is that the ISS has often been characterized as an “unpractical” concept that cannot be put into practice because the ideal it seeks simply cannot be realized (e.g., Ulrich, 1987, 2003). This may be something to consider or dive deeper into to see if this affects your proposal. I personally like the work of Werner Ulrich on this matter, which has heavily inspired my phd thesis on a related topic. I put one of the papers from the thesis in the reference section. Feel free to reach out via PM if you want to discuss this further.
Herwix, A. (2023). Threading the Needle in the Digital Age: Four Paradigmatic Challenges for Responsible Design Science Research. SocArXiv.
Ulrich, W. (1987). Critical heuristics of social systems design. European Journal of Operational Research, 31(3), 276–283.
Ulrich, W. (2003). Beyond methodology choice: Critical systems thinking as critically systemic discourse. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54(4), 325–342.
The basic intuition I have, which I think is correct, is that if you build a Habermasian robot, it won’t kill everyone. This is significant to my mind. Maybe it’s impossible, but it seems like an interesting thing to pursue.
Hey, cool! Yes, I agree that the ideal speech situation is not achievable. Thats what the “ideal” part is. However neither is next word prediction in principle. It’s an ideal that can be striven for.
I’m going to try and unpack the details of what I’m proposing in future posts, just wanted to introduce the idea here
Hey Kenneth,
thanks for sharing your thoughts. I don’t have much to say about the specifics of your post because I find it somewhat difficult to understand how exactly you want an AI (what kind of AI?) to internalize ethical reflection and what benefit the concept of the ideal speech situation (ISS) has here.
What I do know is that the ISS has often been characterized as an “unpractical” concept that cannot be put into practice because the ideal it seeks simply cannot be realized (e.g., Ulrich, 1987, 2003). This may be something to consider or dive deeper into to see if this affects your proposal. I personally like the work of Werner Ulrich on this matter, which has heavily inspired my phd thesis on a related topic. I put one of the papers from the thesis in the reference section. Feel free to reach out via PM if you want to discuss this further.
Herwix, A. (2023). Threading the Needle in the Digital Age: Four Paradigmatic Challenges for Responsible Design Science Research. SocArXiv.
Ulrich, W. (1987). Critical heuristics of social systems design. European Journal of Operational Research, 31(3), 276–283.
Ulrich, W. (1994). Can We Secure Future-Responsive Management Through Systems Thinking and Design? Interfaces, 24(4), 26–37.
Ulrich, W. (2003). Beyond methodology choice: Critical systems thinking as critically systemic discourse. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54(4), 325–342.
Ulrich, W. (2007). Philosophy for professionals: Towards critical pragmatism. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58(8), 1109–1113.
The basic intuition I have, which I think is correct, is that if you build a Habermasian robot, it won’t kill everyone. This is significant to my mind. Maybe it’s impossible, but it seems like an interesting thing to pursue.
Hey, cool! Yes, I agree that the ideal speech situation is not achievable. Thats what the “ideal” part is. However neither is next word prediction in principle. It’s an ideal that can be striven for.
I’m going to try and unpack the details of what I’m proposing in future posts, just wanted to introduce the idea here