Thank you! I’m glad you like those features, and I’m also glad to hear that the way the percent button feature worked was clear to you.
Regarding the possible improvements:
That’s not a bug, it’s just a limitation of the choice to show only one digit after the decimal. The number of decibels in case 2 for each evidence is 0.96910013..., whereas in case 1 it’s exactly 10.
That’s a deliberate nudge to suggest that the new hypothesis and decibel features are more advanced and not part of the essential core of the app.
That’s a good idea, I’ll probably do that at some point.
That’s also a good idea but seems fairly complicated to implement, so it will have to wait until I’ve finished planned improvements with a higher expected ROI.
That’s deliberate, because deleting evidence changes the meaning of the likelihoods for all subsequent evidence. Thus, having to delete all the evidence following the evidence you want to delete is a more honest way to convey what needs to be done, and prevents the user from shooting themselves in the foot by assuming that the subsequent likelihoods are independent. I’ll explain this in the more fleshed out version of the help panel I have planned.
Things I like:
The dark color theme looks good
It’s nice to be able to set the hypotheses as a non-percentage, such as 10:1, and then click “%” to convert to a percentage.
Being able to see the decibels for each piece of evidence is nice. So is being able to link or export a calculation.
Possible improvements:
Adding 10 decibels of evidence results in a different outcome depending on whether the decibels are added one-at-a-time or all-at-once. Compare [case 1]( and [case 2](
When the “help” is open, the “add new hypothesis” button and decibels are hidden.
A button to toggle between showing decibels and bits of evidence would be nice. I more naturally think in bits.
Enable equations in the evidence percentage fields. It’s nicer to type 1⁄3 rather than 33.3333333333.
Allow deleting any piece of evidence, not just the last piece.
Thank you! I’m glad you like those features, and I’m also glad to hear that the way the percent button feature worked was clear to you.
Regarding the possible improvements:
That’s not a bug, it’s just a limitation of the choice to show only one digit after the decimal. The number of decibels in case 2 for each evidence is 0.96910013..., whereas in case 1 it’s exactly 10.
That’s a deliberate nudge to suggest that the new hypothesis and decibel features are more advanced and not part of the essential core of the app.
That’s a good idea, I’ll probably do that at some point.
That’s also a good idea but seems fairly complicated to implement, so it will have to wait until I’ve finished planned improvements with a higher expected ROI.
That’s deliberate, because deleting evidence changes the meaning of the likelihoods for all subsequent evidence. Thus, having to delete all the evidence following the evidence you want to delete is a more honest way to convey what needs to be done, and prevents the user from shooting themselves in the foot by assuming that the subsequent likelihoods are independent. I’ll explain this in the more fleshed out version of the help panel I have planned.
I see! Thank you for the detailed explanations.
Regarding point 1: The posterior percentages are shown to 5 decimal places, so I wrongly assumed that 1.0 db meant exactly 1.
What do you think of showing the sum of the decibels of all pieces of evidence? That would have prevented my confusion.
You could also include 2 digits after the decimal for quantities smaller than 1.1. (Although this has the cost of introducing clutter.)
I like the idea of showing the total decibels, I’ll probably add that in soon!