I look at it this way: because people choose their own usernames on this site, referring to them by their usernames is a safe choice. (For instance, I’m perfectly happy when other Less Wrong posters refer to me as ‘cupholder,’ even though for all they know I’m a janitor, or a professor of psychometrics at Arizona State, or Douglas Hofstadter or the president of the US.)
I look at it this way: because people choose their own usernames on this site, referring to them by their usernames is a safe choice. (For instance, I’m perfectly happy when other Less Wrong posters refer to me as ‘cupholder,’ even though for all they know I’m a janitor, or a professor of psychometrics at Arizona State, or Douglas Hofstadter or the president of the US.)
I put the odds of you being the current President at significantly less than one in 1.4 billion.