So, I was trying to figure out exactly what Socrates was doing, and think I figured it out. But it made me realize I don’t know how induction (deriving from inductive reasoning) works.
Socratic questioning:
You take someone’s claim, induce(derive by inductive reasoning) a general principle, deduct a different claim from the same principle, disprove the new example, this disproves the general principle, which leaves the original claim unsupported. Repeat until they run out of principles, which leaves their claim ultimately unsupported.
But if someone says we shouldn’t paint someone’s house purple without their permission, how do we know which abstract principle to induce?
My mind goes immediately to “don’t do things to people’s stuff without their permission.” But how? Why didn’t I think the rule was “don’t paint things purple,” or “don’t paint houses?” Obviously in this case, my familiarity is influencing me, but what about in unfamiliar situations?
Does anyone know how to reduce inductive reasoning? What algorithm are we using? What’s going on in a mind which outputs an inductive inference?
So, I was trying to figure out exactly what Socrates was doing, and think I figured it out. But it made me realize I don’t know how induction (deriving from inductive reasoning) works.
Socratic questioning:
You take someone’s claim, induce(derive by inductive reasoning) a general principle, deduct a different claim from the same principle, disprove the new example, this disproves the general principle, which leaves the original claim unsupported. Repeat until they run out of principles, which leaves their claim ultimately unsupported.
But if someone says we shouldn’t paint someone’s house purple without their permission, how do we know which abstract principle to induce?
My mind goes immediately to “don’t do things to people’s stuff without their permission.” But how? Why didn’t I think the rule was “don’t paint things purple,” or “don’t paint houses?” Obviously in this case, my familiarity is influencing me, but what about in unfamiliar situations?
Does anyone know how to reduce inductive reasoning? What algorithm are we using? What’s going on in a mind which outputs an inductive inference?
Here’s a humorous illustration of the difficulty of selecting the correct abstract principle.