Being around here has made me think that I know everything interesting about the world
You know everything interesting? Including, say, how to build FAI? Do tell! :P
I can understand how rationality might make you depressed, in fact sometimes I feel that the more I understand about signalling, psychology and so forth the more other people annoy me. I find myself picking apart what other people say for logical fallacies and translating every political statement into ’The outgroup is bad! Fight the outgroup!”.
However, I’m surprised that transhumanism would diminish your sense of wonder—a philosophy about how humans could turn into Jupiter-brain gods seems to me like the sort of thing that should increase your sense of wonder. Maybe you have been reading too much analytical stuff and you need to read something more ‘far-out’? Maybe read ‘the headonic imperitive?’
You know everything interesting? Including, say, how to build FAI? Do tell! :P
I can understand how rationality might make you depressed, in fact sometimes I feel that the more I understand about signalling, psychology and so forth the more other people annoy me. I find myself picking apart what other people say for logical fallacies and translating every political statement into ’The outgroup is bad! Fight the outgroup!”.
However, I’m surprised that transhumanism would diminish your sense of wonder—a philosophy about how humans could turn into Jupiter-brain gods seems to me like the sort of thing that should increase your sense of wonder. Maybe you have been reading too much analytical stuff and you need to read something more ‘far-out’? Maybe read ‘the headonic imperitive?’
Thank you ^^