Logical conjunction junction, what’s your function?
To lower probability, By adding complexity.
Logical conjunction junction, how’s that function?
I’ve got hundreds of thousands of words, They each hide me within them.
Logical conjunction junction, what’s their function?
To make things seem plausible, Even though they’re really unlikely.
Logical conjunction junction, watch that function!
I’ve got “god”, “magic”, and “emergence”, They’ll get you pretty far.
[spoken] “God”. That’s a being with complexity at least that of the being postulating it, but one who is consistently different from that in logically impossible ways and also has several literature genres’ worth of back story, ”Magic”. That’s sort of the opposite, where instead of having an explanation that makes no sense, you have no explanation and just pretend that you do, And then there’s “emergence”, E-mergence, where you collapse levels everywhere except in one area that seems “emergent” by comparison, because only there do you see higher levels are perched on lower levels that are different from them. ”God”, “magic”, and “emergence”, Get you pretty far.
[sung] Logical conjunction junction, what’s your function?
Hooking up two concepts so they hold each other back!
Logical conjunction junction, watch that function!
Not just when you see an “and”, Also even within short words.
Logical conjunction junction, watch that function!
Some words combine many ideas, Ideas that can’t all be true at once!
Logical conjunction junction, watch that function!
“Logical Conjunction Junction”
Logical conjunction junction, what’s your function?
To lower probability,
By adding complexity.
Logical conjunction junction, how’s that function?
I’ve got hundreds of thousands of words,
They each hide me within them.
Logical conjunction junction, what’s their function?
To make things seem plausible,
Even though they’re really unlikely.
Logical conjunction junction, watch that function!
I’ve got “god”, “magic”, and “emergence”,
They’ll get you pretty far.
[spoken] “God”. That’s a being with complexity at least that of the being postulating it, but one who is consistently different from that in logically impossible ways and also has several literature genres’ worth of back story,
”Magic”. That’s sort of the opposite, where instead of having an explanation that makes no sense, you have no explanation and just pretend that you do,
And then there’s “emergence”, E-mergence, where you collapse levels everywhere except in one area that seems “emergent” by comparison, because only there do you see higher levels are perched on lower levels that are different from them.
”God”, “magic”, and “emergence”,
Get you pretty far.
[sung] Logical conjunction junction, what’s your function?
Hooking up two concepts so they hold each other back!
Logical conjunction junction, watch that function!
Not just when you see an “and”,
Also even within short words.
Logical conjunction junction, watch that function!
Some words combine many ideas,
Ideas that can’t all be true at once!
Logical conjunction junction, watch that function!
The YouTube link is broken. Did you intend to link to a YouTube video of the original video from Schoolhouse Rock?