Clarification for DMRB: a “dumb” bot is one that doesn’t try to simulate vis opponent. If DMRB plays against a not-dumb opponent, ve plays tit-for-tat. Against a dumb opponent, ve simulates the future game tree a few levels deep to figure out how to get the most points. (To distinguish dumb from not-dumb: assume they’re dumb, and run the simulation under a time limit, pitting them against TimeoutBot.)
There were only three dumb bots in this tournament (AnderBot, DefectBot, SimHatingTitForTat), so it seems like TitForTatBot would have done approximately as well. I expected the exploitation code to be mostly useful in early rounds, I hadn’t realised that the sample bots wouldn’t be taking part.
I considered defecting in the last round, but DMRB was (by design) sufficiently transparent that an opponent could have anticipated me doing that. It looks like if I’d done that, SimpleTFTSeerBot and DMRB would both have lost 300 points in the first round, and DMRB would have been knocked out. (Unless STSB already considered DMRB to time out.) Interestingly, I did defect in the last round against dumb bots, which would have been even easier to anticipate, but it doesn’t look like anyone punished me for that.
(edit: actually only 200 points, not 300, but that would still have knocked me out.)
(edit 2: looking at the results, STSB does defect against DMRB, so defecting in the final round wouldn’t have cost me anything there. In the final round, STSB is dumb. In the first round, STSB simulates vis opponent playing verself in the final round, and defects unless vis opponent cooperates. Since DMRB defects in that situation, STSB defects in the first round, and we fall into a pit of (D,D). So final-round defection against dumb bots cost me versus STSB, and final-round not-automatic-defection against clever bots didn’t gain me anything against ver.)
Against a dumb opponent, ve simulates the future game tree a few levels deep to figure out how to get the most points.
Looking at a few of the runs, it looks like DMRB vs SimHatingTitForTat results in both sides cooperating, until DMRB hits the last turn and defects. Which is fairly close to DMRB simply playing tit-for-tat against SHTFT, even though the latter is considered a “dumb” bot.
Joint first! \o/
Clarification for DMRB: a “dumb” bot is one that doesn’t try to simulate vis opponent. If DMRB plays against a not-dumb opponent, ve plays tit-for-tat. Against a dumb opponent, ve simulates the future game tree a few levels deep to figure out how to get the most points. (To distinguish dumb from not-dumb: assume they’re dumb, and run the simulation under a time limit, pitting them against TimeoutBot.)
There were only three dumb bots in this tournament (AnderBot, DefectBot, SimHatingTitForTat), so it seems like TitForTatBot would have done approximately as well. I expected the exploitation code to be mostly useful in early rounds, I hadn’t realised that the sample bots wouldn’t be taking part.
I considered defecting in the last round, but DMRB was (by design) sufficiently transparent that an opponent could have anticipated me doing that. It looks like if I’d done that, SimpleTFTSeerBot and DMRB would both have lost 300 points in the first round, and DMRB would have been knocked out. (Unless STSB already considered DMRB to time out.) Interestingly, I did defect in the last round against dumb bots, which would have been even easier to anticipate, but it doesn’t look like anyone punished me for that.
(edit: actually only 200 points, not 300, but that would still have knocked me out.)
(edit 2: looking at the results, STSB does defect against DMRB, so defecting in the final round wouldn’t have cost me anything there. In the final round, STSB is dumb. In the first round, STSB simulates vis opponent playing verself in the final round, and defects unless vis opponent cooperates. Since DMRB defects in that situation, STSB defects in the first round, and we fall into a pit of (D,D). So final-round defection against dumb bots cost me versus STSB, and final-round not-automatic-defection against clever bots didn’t gain me anything against ver.)
Looking at a few of the runs, it looks like DMRB vs SimHatingTitForTat results in both sides cooperating, until DMRB hits the last turn and defects. Which is fairly close to DMRB simply playing tit-for-tat against SHTFT, even though the latter is considered a “dumb” bot.
Yes, because if DMRB defected any sooner, then so would SHTFT, and DMRB would get fewer points in future.