Hey, my bot (TwoFacedTitBot) did pretty well for a while there! :) No bad, considering that I threw it together after reading one Haskell tutorial and on the basis of basically no analysis besides coming up with a bunch of variations on a theme and running them against each other.
The idea was supposed to be that the simulated round against MirrorBot would act as a crude test of whether 2FTB was being simulated (cause if the opponent was naively simulating me, then they would time out against MirrorBot due to infinite regress), and then if I was being simulated I would play nice and cooperate, and otherwise I would play the slightly more dickish TitForTat-but-defect-on-last strategy. I suspect that it only did that well because it was so similar to TitForTat, but nonetheless I’m at least a little pleased with myself.
I’d be interested to see how the tournament would run with default bots included, though. Like I think many people, I had somehow gotten it into my head that they would be included. And maybe RandomBot would improve the variance a little bit? :P
In any case, massive props to tetronian for running this Awesome Thing :)
Hey, my bot (TwoFacedTitBot) did pretty well for a while there! :) No bad, considering that I threw it together after reading one Haskell tutorial and on the basis of basically no analysis besides coming up with a bunch of variations on a theme and running them against each other.
The idea was supposed to be that the simulated round against MirrorBot would act as a crude test of whether 2FTB was being simulated (cause if the opponent was naively simulating me, then they would time out against MirrorBot due to infinite regress), and then if I was being simulated I would play nice and cooperate, and otherwise I would play the slightly more dickish TitForTat-but-defect-on-last strategy. I suspect that it only did that well because it was so similar to TitForTat, but nonetheless I’m at least a little pleased with myself.
I’d be interested to see how the tournament would run with default bots included, though. Like I think many people, I had somehow gotten it into my head that they would be included. And maybe RandomBot would improve the variance a little bit? :P
In any case, massive props to tetronian for running this Awesome Thing :)