Survey on X-risk: Feedback needed

Together with Jesper_Ostman, I’m currently preparing an mTurk survey on the public perception of extinction threats (aiming for a sample size of about 400). Below is our current draft. Feedback is much appreciated. We are planning to do a few follow-up studies, so in this one we want to keep things simple for the most part. In question 3, we want to compare extinction risk reduction to something that is generally perceived as good but not too closely related to it, but perhaps our current choice isn’t the best. In addition to the demographic questions we will also include a brief 10-question personality inventory. We’re both looking for information on the public perception of x-risk and what demographic groups and personality types might have the most potential for getting involved.

1. How likely do you think it is that humanity has gone extinct by the year…

a) 2050

(i) 0-20%
(ii) 20-40%
(iii) 40-60%
(iv) 60-80%
(v) 80-100%

b) 2100

(i) 0-20%
(ii) 20-40%
(iii) 40-60%
(iv) 60-80%
(v) 80-100%

c) 2200

(i) 0-20%
(ii) 20-40%
(iii) 40-60%
(iv) 60-80%
(v) 80-100%

d) 2500

(i) 0-20%
(ii) 20-40%
(iii) 40-60%
(iv) 60-80%
(v) 80-100%

e) 10 000

(i) 0-20%
(ii) 20-40%
(iii) 40-60%
(iv) 60-80%
(v) 80-100%

2. What do you think is the most likely cause (causes) of human extinction?


3. How important do you think reducing the risk of human extinction is, compared to giving foreign aid?

a) Much more important
b) More important
c) Equally important
d) Less important
e) Much less important

4a. Age: __________ b. Gender: __________ c. Nationality: __________

5. What is your current occupation?


6. If you are a student, what subject are you majoring in?


7. What is your level of education?
