Yes. A flywheel seems like a reasonable idea for a mechanism for raising and lowering a potential barrier. We just need to make sure that the flywheel is completely reversible. I was thinking about having a flywheel that hooks up to cams and followers that can mechanically raise and lower a physical barrier. This is probably an engineering challenge that will be about as difficult as the problem of making reversible computing hardware in the first place. It therefore seems like there are at least two problems of reversible computation that need to be overcome:
The most obvious problem is the problem of doing energy efficient purely reversible calculations.
The other problem is the problem of deleting a large quantity of bits in a way that does not consume much more than k*T*ln(2) energy per bit deleted. This will likely include the problem of reversibly raising and lowering an energy barrier so that we have a high energy barrier for reversible operations and so that we have a low energy barrier for bit deletions.
It seems like the few people who are working on reversible computation are focused on (1) while I have not heard anything on (2). I am a mathematician and not a researcher in these kinds of mechanisms, so I should end this post by saying that more research on this topic is needed. I would like for there to be research backed up by simulations that show that k*T*ln(2) per bit deletion is possible. I would be satisfied if these simulations were classical, mechanical simulations but which are reversible (you can run the simulation in reverse) and they incorporate thermal noise and the laws of thermodynamics.
5/21/2023 I just checked the 1970 paper ‘Minimal Energy Dissipation in Logic’ by Keyes and Landauer, and that gives another way of getting the energy efficiency of computation close to k*T*ln(2). This paper also uses the raising and lowering of a potential barrier.
Yes. A flywheel seems like a reasonable idea for a mechanism for raising and lowering a potential barrier. We just need to make sure that the flywheel is completely reversible. I was thinking about having a flywheel that hooks up to cams and followers that can mechanically raise and lower a physical barrier. This is probably an engineering challenge that will be about as difficult as the problem of making reversible computing hardware in the first place. It therefore seems like there are at least two problems of reversible computation that need to be overcome:
The most obvious problem is the problem of doing energy efficient purely reversible calculations.
The other problem is the problem of deleting a large quantity of bits in a way that does not consume much more than k*T*ln(2) energy per bit deleted. This will likely include the problem of reversibly raising and lowering an energy barrier so that we have a high energy barrier for reversible operations and so that we have a low energy barrier for bit deletions.
It seems like the few people who are working on reversible computation are focused on (1) while I have not heard anything on (2). I am a mathematician and not a researcher in these kinds of mechanisms, so I should end this post by saying that more research on this topic is needed. I would like for there to be research backed up by simulations that show that k*T*ln(2) per bit deletion is possible. I would be satisfied if these simulations were classical, mechanical simulations but which are reversible (you can run the simulation in reverse) and they incorporate thermal noise and the laws of thermodynamics.
5/21/2023 I just checked the 1970 paper ‘Minimal Energy Dissipation in Logic’ by Keyes and Landauer, and that gives another way of getting the energy efficiency of computation close to k*T*ln(2). This paper also uses the raising and lowering of a potential barrier.