I was under the impression that “temporal pressure” referred to some kind of mysterious Fate-like force that occasionally compels seers to release prophecies when important parts of the future gets resolved. That could just be Harry’s new resolve to do anything necessary to get Hermione back (in addition to “time pressure” meaning the pressure he was under to get to Hermione on time). Is there a particular reason the “fracturing feeling” needs to be externally imposed rather than, y’know, a perfectly reasonable emotional reaction to current events?
On the other hand, Eliezer has mentioned that he wants to go through common tropes but do them better. He hasn’t really done a full-blown Peggy Sue yet, although he’s poked fun at the idea, and I’m pretty sure I remember Eliezer saying that he’s read Harry Potter and the Wastelands of Time, which is a Peggy Sue fic in which Harry finds Atlantis and weird things happen involving time, so… (recommended for the awesome ideas, but if you’re like me you’ll get annoyed by the way Harry talks.)
I was under the impression that “temporal pressure” referred to some kind of mysterious Fate-like force that occasionally compels seers to release prophecies when important parts of the future gets resolved. That could just be Harry’s new resolve to do anything necessary to get Hermione back (in addition to “time pressure” meaning the pressure he was under to get to Hermione on time). Is there a particular reason the “fracturing feeling” needs to be externally imposed rather than, y’know, a perfectly reasonable emotional reaction to current events?
On the other hand, Eliezer has mentioned that he wants to go through common tropes but do them better. He hasn’t really done a full-blown Peggy Sue yet, although he’s poked fun at the idea, and I’m pretty sure I remember Eliezer saying that he’s read Harry Potter and the Wastelands of Time, which is a Peggy Sue fic in which Harry finds Atlantis and weird things happen involving time, so… (recommended for the awesome ideas, but if you’re like me you’ll get annoyed by the way Harry talks.)
Please don’t tell me he’s going to go Nox or Caster-4 on us.
Oh, who am I kidding. It’s Harry, he’ll probably succeed and then it will all Go Horribly Right.
Time Pressure—the arc title—could also be a reference to the book of the same name by Spider Robinson.
Rot 13 Spoilers for Time Pressure and other Lifehouse/Deathkiller novels By SR:
Va guvf obbx frevrf, gvzr geniryyref jvgu fhssvpvragyl nqinaprq grpuabybtl tb onpx va gvzr gb renqvpngr qrngu creznaragyl ol erpbeqvat nyy uhzna oenva fgngrf nf gurl qvr guebhtubhg nyy bs uvfgbel fb gung gur pna nyy or erfheerpgrq ntnva va gur shgher, pbaprnyvat gung gurl’er qbvat guvf gb cerirag grzcbeny cnenqbkrf. Gur pbasyvpgf bs gur abiryf frg va guvf frdhrapr nevfr jura crbcyr qvfpbire gvzr geniryyref be gurve grpuabybtvpny cnencureanyvn naq unir gb or rvgure fvyraprq ol zrzbel-jvcr grpu be bgurejvfr oebhtug gb n fgngr hayvxryl gb cebqhpr cnenqbkrf.