Ok, there’s lots of room between our estimates (35% and 85%) to bet. I propose taking the arithmetic mean of our respective estimates, and betting at 3:2 odds; so I offer $12 against your $8. Offer valid until the next chapter is posted (Jul 1 7pm PST), void if not accepted (by replying with a comment) before then.
Sounds good. Offer accepted. Also, this will either way give me a reason to show up to the next Boston meetup (assuming you are still in the area), which is good because I’ve been busy with other things.
Yep, still in the area. I haven’t seen you in a while and it’ll be good to catch up. (We might or might not get to actually settle the bet, depending on the chapter that’s about to come out, of course; but come to the meetup this Sunday, and the megameetup the weekend after that, either way.)
What do you want to bet on that? I’d assign your hypothesis an around 35% chance.
Ok, there’s lots of room between our estimates (35% and 85%) to bet. I propose taking the arithmetic mean of our respective estimates, and betting at 3:2 odds; so I offer $12 against your $8. Offer valid until the next chapter is posted (Jul 1 7pm PST), void if not accepted (by replying with a comment) before then.
Sounds good. Offer accepted. Also, this will either way give me a reason to show up to the next Boston meetup (assuming you are still in the area), which is good because I’ve been busy with other things.
Yep, still in the area. I haven’t seen you in a while and it’ll be good to catch up. (We might or might not get to actually settle the bet, depending on the chapter that’s about to come out, of course; but come to the meetup this Sunday, and the megameetup the weekend after that, either way.)
I unfortunately won’t be able to make it this Sunday, but should be able to get to the megameetup.