Y’know, I like the new, true version of Ch. 85, the one where Harry fails to get a phoenix—but I also really liked the original version (which, remember, Eliezer wrote as a stand-in because he couldn’t get the true version finished in time), where Harry, compromising with himself, made a resolution that for now he would try to win without killing people—but if anybody died [by his opponent’s hands], not just a PC, but any arbitrary bystander (he’d been thinking about how Batman’s ethics only come off as good if you don’t care about all the NPCs the Joker kills), the gloves would come off.
Yup. It was, apparently, a placeholder because Eliezer didn’t manage to write the stuff about the phoenix in time for the update (and didn’t want to leave the fic hanging on that gloomy note for a long time).
Wait, that got replaced?
Yup. It was, apparently, a placeholder because Eliezer didn’t manage to write the stuff about the phoenix in time for the update (and didn’t want to leave the fic hanging on that gloomy note for a long time).
Great, now I have to go re-read it. Shame, I quite liked that chapter, actually.