You appear to be new here, so to explain why someone has downvoted you—this is a frequently discussed topic here. There is a generally accepted view here (which I do not necessarily share, but which is the view of the community as a whole) that an Artificial Intelligence is likely to be created soon (as in not tomorrow, but probably within the next century or two), and that if it is created without proper care such an AI might well destroy humanity/the Earth/the local universe. It is generally considered in the community that the Asimov Laws wouldn’t prevent such an event.
I suggest you first read and the links on that page, then read or at least skim ‘the Sequences’ (a core set of posts that most people here have read, which you can find here— ) before making comments about this subject, as it is one that has been the subject of much discussion on this site, and people will consider repetition of ideas that have already been dealt with as being noise, rather than signal.
You appear to be new here, so to explain why someone has downvoted you—this is a frequently discussed topic here. There is a generally accepted view here (which I do not necessarily share, but which is the view of the community as a whole) that an Artificial Intelligence is likely to be created soon (as in not tomorrow, but probably within the next century or two), and that if it is created without proper care such an AI might well destroy humanity/the Earth/the local universe. It is generally considered in the community that the Asimov Laws wouldn’t prevent such an event.
I suggest you first read and the links on that page, then read or at least skim ‘the Sequences’ (a core set of posts that most people here have read, which you can find here— ) before making comments about this subject, as it is one that has been the subject of much discussion on this site, and people will consider repetition of ideas that have already been dealt with as being noise, rather than signal.