I’m not sure where to ask this, I’ll just toss it here.
You know this site? I’m interested in something that would work similarly but for a different purpose.
Instead of visitors putting in a few favorite bands, you make an account and select degrees of agreement with various pre-made contentious issues. The account is so you can update your views and change the data points you contributed. So for example, there would be one for “Humans evolved by natural selection”, and there would be a selection of confidence levels you could pick to represent your agreement or disagreement.
You then get a bunch of people to do this, and use algorithms similar to that music site’s, so that you end up with a kind of crowd belief map with the different statements of belief clustering based on statistical closeness. So the selection for “Humans evolved by natural selection: Strongly Agree” would be on the map somewhere, probably nearer a democrat-ish cluster, and probably farther from an “intelligent design”-ish cluster of agreement statements.
So you’d end up with things like a conspiracy theory-ish cluster, which would probably have “UFOs have been on Earth: Agree” somewhere near or inside it. I would find it fascinating to look at this sort of visual representation for where these statements of belief would appear on a belief landscape, especially after thousands of people have participated and with lots of different issues to weigh in on.
If the sample size was big enough, you might even use it as a rough first-draft confidence of a particular statement you haven’t researched yet. Sometimes I just wish I could short-sell a conspiracy-theory belief cluster index fund, or an ID one. And I might get a heads-up on things to look into, say for example the belief statements that ended up nearer to “Many worlds interpretation: Agree”.
I’m not sure where to ask this, I’ll just toss it here.
You know this site? I’m interested in something that would work similarly but for a different purpose. http://www.music-map.com/
Instead of visitors putting in a few favorite bands, you make an account and select degrees of agreement with various pre-made contentious issues. The account is so you can update your views and change the data points you contributed. So for example, there would be one for “Humans evolved by natural selection”, and there would be a selection of confidence levels you could pick to represent your agreement or disagreement.
You then get a bunch of people to do this, and use algorithms similar to that music site’s, so that you end up with a kind of crowd belief map with the different statements of belief clustering based on statistical closeness. So the selection for “Humans evolved by natural selection: Strongly Agree” would be on the map somewhere, probably nearer a democrat-ish cluster, and probably farther from an “intelligent design”-ish cluster of agreement statements.
So you’d end up with things like a conspiracy theory-ish cluster, which would probably have “UFOs have been on Earth: Agree” somewhere near or inside it. I would find it fascinating to look at this sort of visual representation for where these statements of belief would appear on a belief landscape, especially after thousands of people have participated and with lots of different issues to weigh in on.
If the sample size was big enough, you might even use it as a rough first-draft confidence of a particular statement you haven’t researched yet. Sometimes I just wish I could short-sell a conspiracy-theory belief cluster index fund, or an ID one. And I might get a heads-up on things to look into, say for example the belief statements that ended up nearer to “Many worlds interpretation: Agree”.