The Fair Witness idea is not entirely analogous, since (IIRC) the Fair Witnesses have a pre-appointed niche in their society. They are highly paid and highly respected; and Radical Honesty is, in fact, their primary occupation. Our own society does not contain a niche like that, however; and no one can get paid solely for being Radically Honest.
Sounds a little like the Merry Gentry by Laurell K Hamilton, where the fey seem to work like this. I’m sure there must be a clearer example though.
There’s also Heinlein’s Fair Witness idea, who seemed to be more positively regarded.
I actually immediately thought of Wheel of Time and the Aes Sedai.
Not read Wheel of Time. User:Bugmaster already referenced them so I assumed User:NancyLebovitz was thinking of something else.
The Fair Witness idea is not entirely analogous, since (IIRC) the Fair Witnesses have a pre-appointed niche in their society. They are highly paid and highly respected; and Radical Honesty is, in fact, their primary occupation. Our own society does not contain a niche like that, however; and no one can get paid solely for being Radically Honest.