(Something that came up yesterday, parens give the particular case.)
Have you spent a lot of time on a skill without a cap? (like math)?
Have you paid money for it? (math tutoring)
How much?
How much have you paid towards a complementary unbounded skill (managing people, voice coaching).
So yeah, between learning another hour of math and a voice coach, both at $~80/hour, is the marginal util of voice coach[1] way lower[2]?.
Or whatever soft skill you would benefit from but don’t do.
way because estimates of utility are fuzzy. [don’t lie to yourself.](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/302239-above-all-do-not-lie-to-yourself-a-man-who)
(Something that came up yesterday, parens give the particular case.)
Have you spent a lot of time on a skill without a cap? (like math)?
Have you paid money for it? (math tutoring)
How much?
How much have you paid towards a complementary unbounded skill (managing people, voice coaching).
So yeah, between learning another hour of math and a voice coach, both at $~80/hour, is the marginal util of voice coach[1] way lower[2]?.
Or whatever soft skill you would benefit from but don’t do.
way because estimates of utility are fuzzy. [don’t lie to yourself.](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/302239-above-all-do-not-lie-to-yourself-a-man-who)