Because of the incoherent bit. I think that others are doing a better job of optimizing for the world I actually want to live in than I am in many cases.
I think that others are doing a better job of optimizing for the world I actually want to live in than I am in many cases.
If others are optimizing for the world you want, if they are promoting your values better than you yourself are promoting them, then why do you express a wish to live in a world also optimized for their values via CEV?
Because of the incoherent bit. I think that others are doing a better job of optimizing for the world I actually want to live in than I am in many cases.
If others are optimizing for the world you want, if they are promoting your values better than you yourself are promoting them, then why do you express a wish to live in a world also optimized for their values via CEV?
I can trivially account for divergent values without CEV: holodecks/experience machines. Surely holodecks are the lower bound for any utopian vision.