Sandberg, A. and Bostrom, N. (2011): Machine Intelligence Survey

As some readers may recall, we had a conference this January about intelligence, and in particular the future of machine intelligence. We did a quick survey among participants about their estimates of when and how human-level machine intelligence would be developed. Now we can announce the results: Sandberg, A. and Bostrom, N. (2011): Machine Intelligence Survey, Technical Report #2011-1, Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University.


The median estimate of when there will be 50% chance of human level machine intelligence was 2050.

People estimated 10% chance of AI in 2028, and 90% chance in 2150.


All in all, a small study of a self selected group, so it doesn’t prove anything in particular. But it fits in with earlier studies like Ben Goertzel, Seth Baum, Ted Goertzel, How Long Till Human-Level AI? and Bruce Klein, When will AI surpass human-level intelligence? - people who tend to answer this kind of surveys seem to have a fairly similar mental model.

Link: Machine Intelligence Survey (PDF)