You appear to have some idea of what it is of; and what it is “mostly” of. I am interested in what sits on that list and what you find “most” or less “most” significant on that list.
Well, that’s an awfully general question. Out of factors that you have some influence over (as opposed to e.g. your own IQ or temperament):
First, good genes. Yes, you can’t change yours but you have a choice of a set out of which the second half will be picked. Use it wisely :-)
Second, money in its usual function of being able to get you what you need including such things as e.g. safety and, to a limited extent, time. Of course there are the usual problems in that money itself is commonly a trade-off against your own time and stress, so this is highly dependent on the circumstances. But children are expensive :-/
Third, a support network of relatives and friends (hopefully including your spouse).
Fourth, later, a good street/school environment.
Of course, people managed to bring up kids lacking all of the above, so it’s not a set of necessary things, only useful ones.
A significant matter than is:
I don’t think I could say what it is
a matter of.
You appear to have some idea of what it is of; and what it is “mostly” of. I am interested in what sits on that list and what you find “most” or less “most” significant on that list.
I am not sure what are you asking—what conditions/factors do I consider to be useful/necessary for successful child upbringing?
yes. this.
Well, that’s an awfully general question. Out of factors that you have some influence over (as opposed to e.g. your own IQ or temperament):
First, good genes. Yes, you can’t change yours but you have a choice of a set out of which the second half will be picked. Use it wisely :-)
Second, money in its usual function of being able to get you what you need including such things as e.g. safety and, to a limited extent, time. Of course there are the usual problems in that money itself is commonly a trade-off against your own time and stress, so this is highly dependent on the circumstances. But children are expensive :-/
Third, a support network of relatives and friends (hopefully including your spouse).
Fourth, later, a good street/school environment.
Of course, people managed to bring up kids lacking all of the above, so it’s not a set of necessary things, only useful ones.