Great article. Lots of really good information. A few questions:
Well it turns out that fish oil pills suck, and you’d need to take approximately 9 times as much to have the same effect as eating fish, at which point they’d have dangerous blood thinning effects.
Does anyone have a link to this full study? I’d like to see the full data. The abstract is confusing. It says you would need ” two- and ninefold higher doses of EPA and DHA, respectively, if administered with capsules rather than salmon,” but it’s not clear which numbers you need to multiply by those factors… The amounts in the 100g of salmon or the amounts in the 1 or 3 fish oil caps? If it’s the amount in the 3 caps, then that comes out to 900mg EPA and about 2700mg DHA, which is about 3 and a half grams. That’s achievable in 6 high-quality caps and doesn’t seem like it’s at a level where you’d be in any danger of blood thinning… Do you have a good resource I can read to get more information on the blood thinning effects and when they might be dangerous?
I noticed you didn’t really include anything on the fat content of a diet and its effects on CHD and Lipid Profile. As I understand it, omega-6 fatty acids are harmful in the amounts that most people in Western countries eat, even when not oxidized. On the face of it, this study appears to suggest that in CHD patients, bringing the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio down to 4:1 was associated with a 70% decrease in total mortality. I think it’s likely that the omega-6 : omega-3 ratio is important and that supplementation of omega-3 likely achieves many of its benefits by bringing this ratio back into balance (since people typically have very low omega-3 intake). Reducing intake of omega-6 from seed oils like corn oil, soybean oil, and sesame oil seems likely to have similar beneficial effects.
On that note, really the only thing that jumped out to me about your meal squares is the high PUFA content. If you ate 5 servings to reach 2000 calories, you’d be getting 18g of PUFA, most of which is omega-6 and not much is EPA/DHA which are likely the only omega-3s your body can actually use effectively. It not being oxidized is definitely an important factor, but omega-6 is inflammatory and (as far as I can tell) negatively affects blood markers even without being oxidized before you eat it. Besides that though, I’m really impressed with it. Good luck.
The maximum total energy from PUFA has been a discussion point with DIY Soylent makers as well. The final consensus was that it should definitely be below 10%, and possibly below 4%. The 4% figure comes from The perfect health diet, which uses this as a source:
Angela Liou Y, Innis SM. Dietary linoleic acid has no effect on arachidonic acid, but increases n-6 eicosadienoic acid, and lowers dihomo-gamma-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acid in plasma of adult men. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2009 Apr;80(4):201–6,
For my Soylent, I ended up getting most fats from macadamia oil (mostly Omega-9 aka MUFA) and MCT oil (Medium-chain saturated fat), since they don’t have any negative effects associated with them. Correct me if I’m wrong.
My university has access to the paper. I’ve got it hosted on my server, but you’re only allowed to download it if you have legal access through your university as well. If you have legal access, feel free to click this link:
I don’t, unfortunately. I thought it looked really high as well. The wording of the abstract seems to indicate that it was an observational/epidemiological study, not an RCT, but you can never really tell from the abstracts.
Great article. Lots of really good information. A few questions:
Does anyone have a link to this full study? I’d like to see the full data. The abstract is confusing. It says you would need ” two- and ninefold higher doses of EPA and DHA, respectively, if administered with capsules rather than salmon,” but it’s not clear which numbers you need to multiply by those factors… The amounts in the 100g of salmon or the amounts in the 1 or 3 fish oil caps? If it’s the amount in the 3 caps, then that comes out to 900mg EPA and about 2700mg DHA, which is about 3 and a half grams. That’s achievable in 6 high-quality caps and doesn’t seem like it’s at a level where you’d be in any danger of blood thinning… Do you have a good resource I can read to get more information on the blood thinning effects and when they might be dangerous?
I noticed you didn’t really include anything on the fat content of a diet and its effects on CHD and Lipid Profile. As I understand it, omega-6 fatty acids are harmful in the amounts that most people in Western countries eat, even when not oxidized. On the face of it, this study appears to suggest that in CHD patients, bringing the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio down to 4:1 was associated with a 70% decrease in total mortality. I think it’s likely that the omega-6 : omega-3 ratio is important and that supplementation of omega-3 likely achieves many of its benefits by bringing this ratio back into balance (since people typically have very low omega-3 intake). Reducing intake of omega-6 from seed oils like corn oil, soybean oil, and sesame oil seems likely to have similar beneficial effects.
On that note, really the only thing that jumped out to me about your meal squares is the high PUFA content. If you ate 5 servings to reach 2000 calories, you’d be getting 18g of PUFA, most of which is omega-6 and not much is EPA/DHA which are likely the only omega-3s your body can actually use effectively. It not being oxidized is definitely an important factor, but omega-6 is inflammatory and (as far as I can tell) negatively affects blood markers even without being oxidized before you eat it. Besides that though, I’m really impressed with it. Good luck.
We’re going to be replacing our current sunflower seeds with high oleic acid versions which will bring us down to under 5% of calories from PUFA.
Do you have a jailbroken version of that study anywhere? That’s a really large effect, and the best evidence against PUFA yet if true.
The maximum total energy from PUFA has been a discussion point with DIY Soylent makers as well. The final consensus was that it should definitely be below 10%, and possibly below 4%. The 4% figure comes from The perfect health diet, which uses this as a source:
Angela Liou Y, Innis SM. Dietary linoleic acid has no effect on arachidonic acid, but increases n-6 eicosadienoic acid, and lowers dihomo-gamma-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acid in plasma of adult men. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2009 Apr;80(4):201–6,
I’ve also got a copy hosted at but only download that if your university or company legally gives you access to Elsevier content.
For the discussion and links to other relevant papers, see and further posts
For my Soylent, I ended up getting most fats from macadamia oil (mostly Omega-9 aka MUFA) and MCT oil (Medium-chain saturated fat), since they don’t have any negative effects associated with them. Correct me if I’m wrong.
My university has access to the paper. I’ve got it hosted on my server, but you’re only allowed to download it if you have legal access through your university as well. If you have legal access, feel free to click this link:
I don’t, unfortunately. I thought it looked really high as well. The wording of the abstract seems to indicate that it was an observational/epidemiological study, not an RCT, but you can never really tell from the abstracts.