BPA used to be in a lot of plastics, but I think it has been phased out. Perhaps someone else can confirm or refute that.
Another source is transdermally through handling receipts. I’ve heard of at least one health conscious workplace giving their cashiers wooden tongs to handle the receipts. Best practice would probably be to email them instead. Saves paper too.
supporting data ?
Bisphenol A and human health: a review of the literature
I can’t access the actual article, though the abstract certainly indicates that BPA is harmful.
Does the article include evidence showing that eating canned food is a significant exposure risk?
What kinds of cans specifically? what kinds of foods?
Are there other significant sources of BPA?
Here’s a randomized trial from JAMA showing more than 1000% increase in urinary BPA after consuming canned soup: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3367259/
BPA used to be in a lot of plastics, but I think it has been phased out. Perhaps someone else can confirm or refute that.
Another source is transdermally through handling receipts. I’ve heard of at least one health conscious workplace giving their cashiers wooden tongs to handle the receipts. Best practice would probably be to email them instead. Saves paper too.