The main benefits of fish are high protein content and most of the fats are essential omega-3 fatty acids, including the protective EPA and DHA which are mostly unavailable in plant form. The omega-3 fatty acid ALA, which is available in many plans, only gets converted at a rate of 2-10%. If you wanted to get 2g/day of EPA+DHA, you’d need to consume 20-100g of ALA, or 37-186g of flaxseed oil.
I’m also looking at krill oil. My vegetarianism is approximately Peter-Singer-When-He-Still-Ate-Mussels (, and I’m pretty sure Krill are simple enough that there’s no disutility in consuming them, but I’m having trouble finding anything definitive.
Is it that we don’t know what makes fish so effective, or we do know and can’t get it any other way?
The main benefits of fish are high protein content and most of the fats are essential omega-3 fatty acids, including the protective EPA and DHA which are mostly unavailable in plant form. The omega-3 fatty acid ALA, which is available in many plans, only gets converted at a rate of 2-10%. If you wanted to get 2g/day of EPA+DHA, you’d need to consume 20-100g of ALA, or 37-186g of flaxseed oil.
What about algae oil?
I’m also looking at krill oil. My vegetarianism is approximately Peter-Singer-When-He-Still-Ate-Mussels (, and I’m pretty sure Krill are simple enough that there’s no disutility in consuming them, but I’m having trouble finding anything definitive.
I have a general heuristic in my diet of “if you need to process ten thousand of something to get the amount you want to eat, don’t do that.”
What about yeast? This seems like a silly heuristic.
I’m not at all confident eating lots of yeast is great for our gut bacteria.
Perhaps the reference is to “nutritional yeast”, which are all dead, and won’t impact your gut bacteria aside from being provided with more nutrients.
I was thinking of bread, actually. Not that bread is the greatest for you, but the problem isn’t the yeast (which are dead, anyway).
Replace yeast/bread with yogurt, then.
it would be reasonable for, by yourself, to create yogurt. It would not be reasonable for you by yourself to produce canola oil.
And how is this relevant to the discussion?
one is processing 10,000 of something to get an edible amount. One is letting some warm milk sit with a starter culture.