When deciding to skip the gym, FDT would tell you your decision procedure now is similar to the one you use each day when deciding to go to the gym. So you’d best go now, because then you always go. (This is a bit simplified, as the situation may not be the same each day, but the point stands.)
Furthermore, FDT denies voting is irrational when there are enough voters who are enough similarly-minded to you (who vote when you vote, since their decision procedure is the same). This is a pretty cool result.
Also, it may be worth noting that many real-life scenarios are Newcomblike: e.g. people predict what you will do using your microexpressions. Newcomb’s Problem is just a special case.
When deciding to skip the gym, FDT would tell you your decision procedure now is similar to the one you use each day when deciding to go to the gym. So you’d best go now, because then you always go. (This is a bit simplified, as the situation may not be the same each day, but the point stands.)
Furthermore, FDT denies voting is irrational when there are enough voters who are enough similarly-minded to you (who vote when you vote, since their decision procedure is the same). This is a pretty cool result.
Also, it may be worth noting that many real-life scenarios are Newcomblike: e.g. people predict what you will do using your microexpressions. Newcomb’s Problem is just a special case.