The thing is, byrnema hasn’t acted like a troll in this thread. She made a single comment and since then has been responding to comments specifically directed towards her
My policy has been to mainly only respond to comments with questions since my views in this thread are unpopular. If someone does ask me a question, I perceive this as some interest in continuing the thread and I’ll answer in good faith. But I do observe the karma of the comment asking the question. If its karma is positive, then this is evidence that continuing the thread is not generally unwelcome, and that the negative karma I’m receiving indicates disagreement with me rather than a desire for the thread to vanish. On the other hand, if we’re both earning negative karma, this would be evidence that we’re producing noise and I would try to end the discussion.
The thing is, byrnema hasn’t acted like a troll in this thread. She made a single comment and since then has been responding to comments specifically directed towards her
My policy has been to mainly only respond to comments with questions since my views in this thread are unpopular. If someone does ask me a question, I perceive this as some interest in continuing the thread and I’ll answer in good faith. But I do observe the karma of the comment asking the question. If its karma is positive, then this is evidence that continuing the thread is not generally unwelcome, and that the negative karma I’m receiving indicates disagreement with me rather than a desire for the thread to vanish. On the other hand, if we’re both earning negative karma, this would be evidence that we’re producing noise and I would try to end the discussion.