Research on heritability of IQ implies, from the similarity of IQ in closely related persons, the proportion of variance of IQ among individuals in a population that is associated with genetic variation within that population. This provides an estimate of genetic versus environmental influence for phenotypic variation in IQ in that population as environmental factors may be correlated with genetic factors. “Heritability”, in this sense, “refers to the genetic contribution to variance within a population and in a specific environment”.[1] In other words, heritability is a mathematical estimate that indicates an upper bound on how much of a trait’s variation within that population can be attributed to genes. There has been significant controversy in the academic community about the heritability of IQ since research on the issue began in the late nineteenth century.[2]Intelligence in the normal range is a polygenic trait, meaning that it is influenced by more than one gene,[3][4] specifically over 500 genes.[5]
So while what you say is true, we cannot know that general intelligence is polygenic because this is once again talking about IQ. Of course IQ will imply intelligence is polygenic, because IQ itself has a normal distribution. We are once again putting the cart before the horse.
Wikipedia says:
So while what you say is true, we cannot know that general intelligence is polygenic because this is once again talking about IQ. Of course IQ will imply intelligence is polygenic, because IQ itself has a normal distribution. We are once again putting the cart before the horse.