It would be pretty easy to set up a little template with a bunch of parameters which generates a nicely formatted box. Could also add categories automatically so it’d be easy to, for example, go to the category of people interested in business networking. More ambitious things which could be added include queries (e.g. search for business network people in bay area), though that’d be much easier with Semantic Mediawiki, something which excludes a user from certain categories/searches if they have been inactive for a certain length of time (easiest would likely be with a magic word extension for medawiki which returns a user’s last active date).
I can throw together a basic template later, then edit it based on feedback on parameters?
Is this something that can be done on top of the existing LW/LWWiki code base? If so, it could be useful.
(In general, it seems that the LW community has a lot of aspiring developers who would like to help the community while getting recognition and experience, and could be called on for incremental improvements. But I am not involved enough to know if that’s practical.)
Basic template+autoadd categories are easy enough with existing codebase. Queries would require an extension (SMW package), which is addable by anyone with access in a few minutes and allow fun things like editing the template with a form rather than raw wikitext. The part about user inactivity would need a custom extension which would be either relatively simple or really annoying depending on how the recent activity data can be retrieved from the reddit install. Actually, thinking again, if there’s an API we can call for user’s most recent activity it should be possible using the existing extension ExternalData and a clever template or two, no need for custom coding.
And yea, it seems like there should be a few people with the coding skills willing to help out, though from my exploration of the code it seems to be unchanging (unless the public version control is just not updated any more).
Seems like a good idea to me, I’ll add it with a city parameter. This would be much more nicely searchable with SMW, detailed autocategorisation without that extention would require a huge number of categories to be manually created and would also be kinda ugly.
It would be pretty easy to set up a little template with a bunch of parameters which generates a nicely formatted box. Could also add categories automatically so it’d be easy to, for example, go to the category of people interested in business networking. More ambitious things which could be added include queries (e.g. search for business network people in bay area), though that’d be much easier with Semantic Mediawiki, something which excludes a user from certain categories/searches if they have been inactive for a certain length of time (easiest would likely be with a magic word extension for medawiki which returns a user’s last active date).
I can throw together a basic template later, then edit it based on feedback on parameters?
Is this something that can be done on top of the existing LW/LWWiki code base? If so, it could be useful.
(In general, it seems that the LW community has a lot of aspiring developers who would like to help the community while getting recognition and experience, and could be called on for incremental improvements. But I am not involved enough to know if that’s practical.)
Basic template+autoadd categories are easy enough with existing codebase. Queries would require an extension (SMW package), which is addable by anyone with access in a few minutes and allow fun things like editing the template with a form rather than raw wikitext. The part about user inactivity would need a custom extension which would be either relatively simple or really annoying depending on how the recent activity data can be retrieved from the reddit install. Actually, thinking again, if there’s an API we can call for user’s most recent activity it should be possible using the existing extension ExternalData and a clever template or two, no need for custom coding.
And yea, it seems like there should be a few people with the coding skills willing to help out, though from my exploration of the code it seems to be unchanging (unless the public version control is just not updated any more).
Is “open to hosting couchsurfers” something else people want on the template?
Seems like a good idea to me, I’ll add it with a city parameter. This would be much more nicely searchable with SMW, detailed autocategorisation without that extention would require a huge number of categories to be manually created and would also be kinda ugly.
Edit: done.